Let YOGA be your way.


Hola guys!!! In this era comprising the ones being too busy to the ones too lazy, everybody is in search of a healthy yet a comfy lifestyle.

 In order to attain that people keep on bothering google. Though not as perfect like google, but here I am to help you a bit on how you do that. And I’ll just forward your call to “YOGA”. Yes, what you were searching for all these days stops here with yoga.
Yoga as a lifestyle or the yogic way has attained a huge mass focus and also a great fan following now-a-days. In every nook and corner of the world we can find a lot of people belonging to all the age groups be it a child or an adult or even the senior citizens have devoted at least an hour of the day towards yoga. The fact which amazes me is that, a tradition that is thousands of years old has today gained this much of popularity and how!! The power of yoga lies in its simplicity, diversity and flexibility. A practice that originated in India from times immemorial has no religion of its own. People from any religion, cast, creed, sex, race can practice yoga. The techniques and procedures it holds can be followed by any person in any environment. The various branches of yoga enables it have a broader scope which in turn makes it easy for people following any schedule of lifestyle, whether busy or active or even sedentary to adopt their own selective techniques, suited to their lifestyle.
The Ushtrasana or the camel pose

                 The Bakasana  or the crow pose

The word yoga introduced in ancient India has derived its meaning from the Sanskrit word “yug” which means to add or to join or to unite. Yoga unites the body mind and soul. It is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or discipline
The Shirsasana or headstand

In the Bhagwat Gita, yoga has been expounded as “Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam” which means Yoga is perfection in action. A true yogi is one who does all his daily activities with efficiency and awareness and without reacting or clinging towards sorrows or negativities. Yoga is that way of life which brings peace to the mind and calmness to the soul. It creates an unknown energy inside the body that helps the body to restructure, rejuvenate and reconcile from all the damages being done to it daily during those hardcore tasks of the day. 

Yoga has the power to calm the hustle in your life. It also has the power to make you a better parent or a better student or a better sportsman. You do it once in a day you can find your morale being automatically boosted. Be it any way of life you follow yoga evolve you as a person as a human being. It adds value to your life thereby enhancing the quality of it.
The Dhanurasana or the bow pose

Who said you can’t practice when you’re pregnant? Hey lady! Where there is a will there is always a way. And if you’re a true fan of yoga I am sure it’s a good news for you.  Let your baby intake all those freshness you inhale during your session. But surely this is completely and absolutely subjected towards the prescription and advice of the doctor. Not only during your pregnancy but you’re also allowed to resume your yoga sessions once you deliver the little soul on to this beautiful world once you feel you’re ready to start but this is too subjected to the prescription and advice of the doctor.

Many women opt to yoga pre and post pregnancy so that they could mentally and physically as well accept and prepare themselves to that vast change in their lives. Yoga never leaves your side during those days of hardships. It helps you fight those days when you feel absolutely low by refreshing your mind and circulating the fresh blood through your veins. Most studies suggest that yoga during and after pregnancy has helped in strengthening the pelvic muscles which helps the woman to carry the baby thereby helping both the mother and the baby during labour and delivery.

Yoga when practiced with correct postures and appropriate procedures a lot helps in defying all the negativities into our lives. The only thing it seeks is a few minutes of devotion and regularity towards it and see how life smiles at you.  Indulge yoga into your life and let the magic begin…
The Eka pada Chakrasana or the one legged 
But as you all have heard, God helps those who help themselves. Likewise we can put it for yoga too as yoga helps those who help themselves. All those benefits of yoga being discussed above will only work when you indulge yoga into your daily routine. Joining a mere two week  yoga class and sitting dull all the other days might not help you. Yoga is required to be practiced at least 15-30 minutes a day and on a daily basis. 

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