Women's Day......

8th March is celebrated as International Women’s day all over the world, to symbolize the power , the strength , the dignity of a Woman.

Wishing you all a very happy Women’s day,but is that enough to cherish the womanhood?

Everyday ,every hour,every minute ,every second in some corner of the world a woman is demoralized ,demotivated,harassed,insulted etc etc.. why these acts mostly grab the female part of the society? 

There are people who do fight back to these.What is the need for this struggle? Who are they proving this to? Why should they prove it to someone that they are strong?

A woman is like a tea bag- you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water –Eleanor Roosevelt.

People say a woman is stronger than a man but we believe both woman & man are equal , biologically there are differences but this is how they are created by god.

We find both man and woman in every field , let it be cultural,politics,sports ,fashion, households, armed forces, aviation, engineering ,health & medicine, corporate, fitness and many more. 

Even after that they are suppressed in some or the other way.

Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world- Hillary Clinton

Then why to compare?

A Woman is the creator of this so called society we live in and somewhere somehow we are responsible for the  rules and the norms of this society. A mother , a sister ,a daughter , a girl is always judged through other’s perspective ,but who gave them this authority ?
Of course we

There is no need to live in the shadows of people’s  judgement , we can make our own choices in the light of our own wisdom.

Strong men-men who are truly role models-don’t need to put down women to make themselves feel powerful. People who are truly strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together- Michelle Obama

There are man who understands and value a woman , a female because they not only love their mothers , sisters and daughters but genuinely respect them for what they are.

Any act of gender- based violence that results in,or is likely to result in,physical,sexual or mental harm or suffering, including threats of such acts,coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty,whether occurring in public or in private life. 

This is how gender based violence is defined as, and in today’s world the proportion of violence against women is comparatively more than against men.

The question arises here is WHY?

Probably the male part of the society involved in these acts thinks women are not strong enough so can easily be harassed. 

The other reason can also be that the female part of the society is not that coward or dominating towards the male part and so are not involved in these kinds of acts because a woman can understand the sorrow, pain and emotion that the person or the victim (and his/her dear ones) of these acts can go through.

One can stand for themselves, as it is said "God help those who help themselves".

You don’t need to be a well known personality in the society to take a stand, be an inspiration to the young ones, be a proud to the elders ,a common human being  has the rights and can definitely put their talent and strength wherever required to and flourish the society with positivity.

So its high  time to end up these issues suppressing a woman because there are many good things to talk about a woman . With a hope to see a change until next women’s day we salute every lady and we also give a thumbs up to all those men who respect these ladies and believe in equality and not superiority.

Thanx for your patience,keep visiting ....
You can share your suggestions and experience in the comment box below...


  1. Happy women's day to all my inspiring ladies. Great work

    1. Thank you so much dear brother for your support😊


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